
年轻人用堕落不在乎来逃避现实。 成年人笑着面对生活中的阴影和压力,麻木,无奈 很喜欢里面的一些片段: 在试图成为父母之前,人们应该先确定自己到达标准。别在家里做实验。 before attempting to become a parent, one should first determine that he has reached the standard. don't do experiments at home. 我从未这般深切感觉到,我的灵魂与我之间的距离如此遥远,而我的存在却依赖于这个世界。 i have never felt so deeply that the distance between my soul and me is so far away, and my existence is dependent on this world. 我们都需要一些东西,使我们从繁琐和现实中解脱,或多或少思考下事情的根源,没人愿意去想,需要多少努力才能脱离,脱离苦海,我们都需要脱离。 we all need something to get us out of the tedious and the real world, to think more or less about the root of things, no one wants to think, how much effort is needed to get us out of the sea of suffering, we all need to get out of it. 那个包,没有任何感觉,是空的。我也没有任何感情能让你伤害,明白吗?我知道你很生气,我以前也总是生气,我懂的。但你没道理生我的气,我是在这里少数几个愿意给你机会的人之一。现在我希望你,回到座位,好好写文章。