猫眼电影 > 最后的谎言


Die letzte Lüge

A romantic and contemplative Easter weekend in the country - that's how Lucy (Katharina Wackernagel) and OIe (Leander Lichti) are imagining their spring holidays. What they don't know of each other: each of them is having an affair. And on top of that: their respective lovers have chosen this very weekend to leave their partners and to give Ole and Lucy a surprise appearance at their doorstep. This blows the whistle for a dazzling round robin of "the tougher you lie, the more you'll be loved". Chaos, entanglements, misunderstandings and most of all lies are now in play. While truth counts little on this weekend, the characters' true emotions and desires are breaking trough in the songs they can't help singing. The perfect film for the whole family - and don't forget to bring your affair! No kidding!

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