位于芬兰拉普兰地区的索姆皮欧曾因其广阔的荒野和如画的风景享有盛名,而如今却不复存在了。乌鲁波是在索姆皮欧长大的最后一代之一,这一代目睹了这个区域发生的不可逆转的变化。过往的辉煌时光已淡退为历史,而这片土地还留有什么是值得珍惜的? Sompio in Lappland, known for its vast wilderness and storytellers, is nowadays no more. Urpo belongs to the last generation that grew up in old Sompio, a generation that in their youth witnessed the irreversible change the area went through. Those times are fading into history. Is there still something to be cherished?
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