猫眼电影 > Guli's Children
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Guli's Children

Guli`s Children
2016-05-27印度上映 / 43分钟

历时两年多的研究,穿越印度和中国近20000公里的实地考察,这部电影讲述的是对历史上喀拉拉邦和中国之间诸多已被遗忘的联系的追寻。电影成功找到了 700 多年前从卡利卡特迁移到中国,并在那里定居的Malayalee家族 (来自喀拉拉邦) 的后代。 电影由任教于印度理工学院 (IIT) 的乔·托马斯 · 卡拉卡特图博士撰写、拍摄和剪辑。他是第一个在中国找到这个家族的印度人。 Spanning over two years of research, and nearly 20000 kilometres of fieldwork across India and China, this film is about the search for the forgotten links in Kerala-China history. The film successfully locates the descendants of a Malayalee family (from Kerala) that moved from Calicut to China over 700 years ago, and settled there. The film has been written, shot and edited by Dr. Joe Thomas Karackattu, who teaches at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. He is the first Indian to have located the family in China.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900