影片带我们走入十一个性格独特的青少年的内心世界,他们都是在法国环境最差的街区长大。影片通过他们独特的目光、别致的思考来认识这个世界。在音乐喜剧与科幻故事之间,影片通过呈现形形色色的经历,让这些孩子的现状和幻想呼之欲出。因为不论生活多么艰难,他们仍然有梦想和抱负。而这些,没有人能够剥夺。 A collector of unusual moments, characters, and rhythms, director/writer olivier babinet creates alternate realities that are relatable, yet electrified with the charge of surrealism and fiction. Olivier works on a range of different projects: feature films like Robert Mitchum Is Dead, shorts like C'est Plutot Genre Johnny Walker, and television — he's famous for the cult TV series called Le Bidule. Whether an elaborate commercial for IKEA envisioning a world without textiles, absurdist short films like Laurent Plus P and Chris Dangosse, or a campaign for a natural gas company in which the world becomes one giant crocheted cozy, Olivier can present the eccentric as given, and evade predictability like a get-away vehicle running from the cops.
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