猫眼电影 > Hope Dies Last in War
Hope Dies Last in War海报封面图

Hope Dies Last in War

2007印度上映 / 80分钟

1971年印度與巴基斯坦的戰爭,至今已過三十餘年,但仍有數十名印度戰犯囚禁在巴基斯坦。以人道主義工作著稱的印度導演薩布里歐森鍥而不捨追蹤其中一家三代不肯放棄希望、努力營救家人的過程。尤其著墨於這家人在這漫長等待的歲月中所受的精神煎熬,讓人聯想到台灣現代史上許多無端捲入政治洪流的受難者,及他們堅強的家人。 About the 54 Indian Prisoners of War who are still Languishing in Pakistani Jails since 1971, Indo-Pak war. The psychological ordeal is portrayed in this film of the grieving families and the efforts they have been doing to bring back the POW. It is a Human Rights Issue.

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