猫眼电影 > Nine-Tenths of the Law
Nine-Tenths of the Law海报封面图

Nine-Tenths of the Law


Leneau and his wife, who live in a cabin, lose their own baby early in the story. Red Adair and his partner have kidnapped Little Roughneck, who starts out alone while they are in a drunken orgy. The child wanders over to Leneau`s place and falls into a bear trap, where he is found next morning. Leneau and his wife, still mourning for their own child, at first refuse to give him up or look for his family. Later, after Leneau has had mortal combat with the kidnappers, he learns that the Little Roughneck belongs to a judge living at Vancouver. He leaves his despondent wife to take the child back to the city. Then comes a surprise finish, which is too good to spoil by simply relating it.

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