Liam Makrogiannis
饰:Adrian Scott
Johnny Dickie
饰:David Batty
Stephen Kilcullen
Demitra Catleugh
James Catleugh
Kyria Catleugh
Vin Cin
Matt Colby
Francis Cooper
Brianne Cosentino
饰:Face Chomper Zombie
Ava D'Abo
Timothy Feeley
Ruby Larocca
Paul Burt
Antoneo Hernandez
Svyatoslav Iliyasov
饰:The first infected
Lloyd Kaufman
饰:President of the United States
Edgar Moye
饰:(as Edgar Moye)
Yelena Sabel
Victor Silkin
饰:The Russian scientist
Nik Taneris
饰:Peter D.
饰:Rose von Klinger
Demetri Kallas
Baron Misuraca
Josh Schafer
饰:VHS shop owner
Todd Staruch
饰:Arm Chomping Zombie