猫眼电影 > Blair Witch WebFest
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Blair Witch WebFest


Rivaling the most prominent traditional bricks and mortar fan conventions, the Blair Witch WebFest featured live streamed programming and engaging interactive events including participation from the worldwide community of horror and science fiction fans, genre specialists, horror film directors, actors, comic book writers, animators, game developers and soundtrack artists. The three-day WebFest began at 9am Pacific Time on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 and ran for a continuous 64-hours straight. WebFest registrants had the opportunity to enter to win the Blair Witch WebFest Sweepstakes. The sweepstakes prize included a private screening of Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 with Manson himself. Blair Witch Webfest was among the first Social Networking Events to make a large splash, combining film, music, and more.

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