猫眼电影 > 另一种,幽默


2014中国大陆上映 / 5分钟

《另一种,幽默》是一部集结了人们在生活上,或传统好莱坞电影里面对于男女的性别特征的固有印象,并以非常规的电影手法表现它。一系列的蒙太奇的拼接式剪辑结合两位主角非常规的性别表现,为了使观众在没有很多背景信息的情况下,接受或者感受到两位主角的“特立独行”。 影片的最后一部分将两种非常规幽默有机的结合在了一起。使影片女主角扮演卓别林的角色,男主角扮演卓别林电影中的女一号,重现“城市之光”与“摩登时代”的经典画面,这种非常规的表演手法,让观众们打开了视野,重温了经典的同时,也证明了电影在内容上、在表现手法上能够挣脱固有条条框框,刻板印象的张力。另一种幽默,是一种非常规表现手法,也是一个次独到的、创新的实验,称古至今,是对于经典电影的致敬,也是对于当代电影转型期的思考。 "Humour, Another" is an experimental film using the unconventional ways to enact the gender stereotypes in our real life, associated with some re-editing sequences in the history of Classical Cinema, aiming to discuss the possibility and the capacity of a film could adapt. It's a celebration of those who choose to exist and identify outside of the binary; who still get he'd and she'd differently throughout the day. It's a challenge to the classical sequences throughout the film history. The direct intend to break through both stereotypes about the gender, sexuality and the film to question and manipulate the audience's pre-existing perceptions. Therefore, "Humour, Another" can be read as a cinematic language attempting to interpret the unconventional in our lives, it is also an unique, advent-grade experimental work. From the 19th century onwards, this film pays a tribute to the Classical Cinema, also it leaves the audience with not only the unprecedented images, but also a consideration of the status quo about the contemporary cinema — a transformation period.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900