猫眼电影 > Home in Wyomin'
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Home in Wyomin'


Radio star Gene Autry returns to his home town of Gold Ridge at the request of his old friend Pop Harrison, who wants Gene to straighten out his wayward son, Tex Harrison, whose gambling and drinking threaten to bankrupt the rodeo organization which he heads. News photographer Clementine "Clem" Benson and reporter Hack Hackett are ordered to follow Gene. The group finds quarters at the "Bar Nothing" dude ranch, winter quarters for Tex's rodeo group, and Tex soon tangles with Hackett in a quarrel. The latter wins a thousand-dollar bag of gold from Sunrise, a miner who has earned his stake digging in the supposedly abandoned mine beneath Gold Ridge. Hackett spots a fugitive Chicago racketeer, Crowley, who is hiding out from the mob he has double-crossed.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900