There are surprises every year in China’s embattled indie sector, but few as unexpected as this one. Li Luo has taken three chapters of the Ming Dynasty novel Journey to the West (aka Monkey) and adapted the story of the short-term death of Emperor Li Shimin to the modern China of officials, bureaucrats and gangsters. The Dragon King perverts the course of nature and is punished with execution; the emperor tried to step in to prevent it happening, but he didn’t allow for the power of dreams. Now Li is lying on his deathbed, beset by stray ghosts. Can he be saved? The storytelling explores several layers of "reality," but coalesces into an image of China’s perennial absurdity: a new-old world where peace always breeds wealth. Brilliant, straight-faced political satire. The "ungrammatical" title, by the way, references a Chinese movie of 1927.第37届 香港国际电影节(HKIFF)在今年3月17日开幕,作为华语地区历史最久,知名度最高的国际电影节,HKIFF每年从超过50个国家选择超过300部以上作品,汇聚年度焦点之作,在香港12个主要文化场地上映,吸引超过60万人次的观众欣赏,并有5000多位电影业界人士光临寻找合作机会。本次香港国际电影节中国大陆部分入围新片不足20部,天画画天文化传媒参与投资和制作的影片多达六部,这一史无前例的成绩引发广泛关注。这六部电影中,包括 李睿珺导演的《告诉他们,我乘白鹤去了》,刚刚从柏林电影节归来的《有人赞美聪慧,有人则不》,曾以《光棍儿》蜚声影坛的 郝杰新作《美姐》, 彭韬的《焚尸人》,钰柯导演的同志实验电影《 翡罗弥诺浮彼亚》,以及由加拿大华人导演李珞的改编自《西游记》、曾获 温哥华国际电影节“龙虎奖”的《唐皇游地府》(入围“新秀电影竞赛”)。六部电影题材、风格各异,各自对中国电影有不同程度的革新,从中可以窥见当下大陆新锐导演的创作生态。
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