猫眼电影 > Kärlek 3000
Kärlek 3000海报封面图

Kärlek 3000

2008-11-14瑞典上映 / 90分钟

Sam is a 23 year Old economy student, who one day decides to leave school and move back to his hometown in the north of Sweden. His best friends, Alex and Krister, tries to stop him, but Sam is unstoppable, since he is on a mission to find the meaning of life - which is something he and his friends contemplates a lot. After buying a ticket home Sam meets a man in his 70's that affects him in a way that makes him want to live life to the fullest. He runs in to a girl, Hanna, on a bus, but on the contrary of what he would usually do in a situation like that, he says hello. She of course thinks he's nuts, but he manages to convince her to have a cup of coffee with him. They end up having a fabulous time. So the next day Sam and his friends look her up, go to her home and without meeting her find out she is deceased. As he, still without her knowing it, meets with her parents, he finds out she is dying.

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