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本片讲述了一位女大兵从战场回来,却发现自己难以适应现实生活的故事。 旅途归来,Kelli回到了她一直居住的颓废小镇,她迫不急待地回归她以往的生活;等待她的一如既往的生活:毯子下的光脚,电视机前的冰啤,孩子头发的味道。慢慢地,虽说,她意识到她日常生活与她离开前并不相同。她拼命找寻在这个颓废小镇以及在家庭中的她所处的位置;但她找不到。面对她所享有的她一直为之守护的生活方式,她能改变什么? Back from a tour of duty, Kelli can't wait to rejoin her old life in the rust belt town she's always lived in. She's ready to experience the old feelings of everyday life- the carpet under her bare feet, a cold beer in front of the television, the smell of her baby's head. Slowly, though, she realizes that her everyday life doesn't resemble the one she left. Struggling to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes, what can she reclaim of her share of the way of life she's been fighting to protect? A soldier returns to her family, friends, and old job after a tour of duty, though she finds herself struggling to find her place in her everyday life.

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