猫眼电影 > 阿根廷纪录电影史


Historia del documental argentino
2001-01-01中国大陆上映 / 140分钟

这部140分钟长的纪录片是导演Leonardo Polverino继95年的《阿根廷电影史》后的另一部作品,为纪念那些在阿根廷历史上有着重要位置的纪录片大师们,纪录片永远是阿根廷和南美电影史中不可缺少的一部分,尤其在20世纪下半叶拉丁美洲风起云涌的革命和反独裁斗争中,无数纪录片工作者们用手中的摄影机记载着历史的真实。。。 This documentary goes over more than hundred years through the story of all the documentary images made in Argentina, but placed in the context of the economical development in Argentina, which makes it a very interesting way of understanding the reality of a country like this one. In this manner you begin with the first takes made in the ninteenth century, including the famous take of the operation made by Dr. Posadas, throughout all the outstanding documenatry films from the silent era to the talkies, and colour. The documentary contains many explanations made by the great argentine documentalists, like Miguel Perez, Gerardo Vallejos, Humberto Rios, Rodolfo Hermida, Federico Urioste, and many more.

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