猫眼电影 > 卡尔-阿佩尔


De Werkelijkheid van Karel Appel
纪录片 / 短片
1995-12-08荷兰上映 / 15分钟

卡尔-阿佩尔是荷兰现代绘画史上最具争议性的艺术家之一,他的创作自由即兴无拘无束,像是一次对自我情绪的宣泄和放任,其抽象的画风也影响很广。本片是少有的记录阿佩尔创作过程的影片,导演Jan Vrijman用了近两年的时间做准备,富有创意地将艺术家外出寻找灵感的经历与绘画时的激情场景交叉剪辑在一起,并配上Dizzy Gillespie的先锋爵士乐。本片获1962年柏林电影节最佳短片金熊奖,是荷兰影史上的一部经典。(BTW看后我感觉他不像画家倒更像个油漆工。:) Karel Appel was a highly controversial artist in the 1950s. That was enough reason for journalist Jan Vrijman to make a film about him. After two years' preparation, Vrijman was granted a 90,000-guilder subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Vrijman actually did have a fair amount of television experience. Vrijman did engage experienced personnel for key positions: Eddy van der Enden (camera) and Ytzen Brusse (editing). The reactions to THE REALITY OF KAREL APPEL were mostly negative, making Vrijman's feelings of joy even greater when the film was awarded the Golden Bear at the Berlinale of 1962.

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