Terri Abbott
饰:Herself - LGBTQ Community
James Bankston
饰:Himself - Clergy
Trish Bendix
饰:Herself - LGBTQ Community
Deana Boozer
饰:Herself - LGBTQ Community
Sam Bryer
饰:Himself - LGBTQ Community
Gabriela Caro
饰:Herself - LGBTQ Community
Daylene Christensen
饰:Herself - LGBTQ Community
Frederick Clarkson
饰:Himself - Author of Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theo
Sheldon Culver
饰:Herself - United Church of Christ, Conference Minister
Candice C. Cusic
饰:Herself - LGBTQ Community
Gregory Dell
饰:Himself - Senior Pastor, Retired, Broadway United Methodist Chur
Gerald J. DeSobe
饰:Himself - Former President American Association of Pastoral Coun
Ky Dickens
饰:Herself - Narrator
David Ickes
饰:Self - Pastor, Gateway Anabaptist Church, Michigan,(as Pastor David Ickes)
Amy-Jill Levine
饰:Self - Professor of New Testament Studies, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,(as Dr. Amy-Jill Levine) (as Dr. Amy Jill Levine)
Gavin Newsom
饰:Self - Mayor of San Francisco,(archive footage)
Fred Phelps
Fred Phelps
饰:Self - Westboro Baptist Church,(as Pastor Fred Phelps) (as Rev. Fred Phelps)
John Shelby Spong
饰:Self - Bishop, Retired, Episcopal Diocese of Newark,(as Bishop John Shelby Spong) (as Bishop Dr. John Shelby Spong)