猫眼电影 > 伊文·A

Having read auto-translations of the long reviews, links in the forum, I suspect the talks between the two protagonists, beginning in a relaxed and friendly mood, then getting angry, furious even, cover all the profound questions a soldier in the Soviet Army has to ponder in 1990. The third guy, a recruit, at first is confined to the background and has to wait on the other two, and unlike them he keeps his shorts on (except when he has to wash them, having soiled them during a clandestine activity), but he too has his say near the end. So four parts: the incident in the barracks & court-martial, the drive to the river, the nude interlude on the riverbank (47 min) and the finale. I'm really curious what it's all about, pot opened, BabaYaga, the superb subtitler of Karaul 1990, has the first right of claiming it if she cares to. And for a low-budget B-Movie, amazing camerawork, in one uninterrupted moving shot the camera seems to sit on a speeding motorboat, then transferred to a crane, then to a helicopter ?!?

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