猫眼电影 > Tonight at Twelve
Tonight at Twelve海报封面图

Tonight at Twelve


lice Keith, a suspicious wife, believes that her husband is running after his old sweetheart, Dora Eldredge, and two other married women in her circle. Making her accusation during a dinner party at which the women and their husbands are present, Alice exhibits a rendezvous note she found in her husband's pocket, reading "Tonight at 12." To protect his father and his future mother-in-law, Jack Keith, who is engaged to marry Jane Eldredge, admits to having an affair with Mary, the maid in the Eldredge household, and to being the recipient of the love note. Mary sees an opportunity to force Jack, whom she loves, to marry her, and she begins to make plans when Jane breaks her engagement with him. Eventually, Mrs. Eldredge confesses her affair with Keith to restore her daughter's happiness. Mary returns to her hometown, aware of the social differences between Jack and herself.

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