猫眼电影 > 死刑三重奏


2007中国台湾上映 / 43分钟

一、零死刑元年 Zero Executions: Year One 2006年前十一個月,台灣各地看守所有22名死刑犯沒有執行。法務部長施茂林答應國外人權團體,「慎重考慮」在這一年不執行任何死刑犯,但部長卻在十一月的最後一天,簽署了2006年的第一張死刑執行令。在廢除死刑推動聯盟的奔走搶救下,台灣的零死刑元年,驚險地劃下句點…… The first 11 months of 2006, there were 22 convict sentenced to death without any executions in Taiwan. Minister of Ministry of Justice, Shi Mao-lin(施茂林), promised foreign human rights organizations that he would “seriously consider” not to execute any convict within this year, but then signed the first execution of 2006 on November 30th. Thanks for the rescue action of Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, Taiwan’s first year with zero executions finally arrived… 二、再見斷頭台 Goodbye, Scaffold 協和廣場是香榭麗舍大道東邊的起點,法國大革命之後,許多人在這個地方丟了腦袋,斷頭台就是這段時期發明的殺人武器,一直沿用到 1977 年,法國廢除死刑前四年,都還是唯一合法的執行方式,現在廣場上只有寫著神秘文字的尖方碑,斷頭台不是藏在監獄裡,就是進了博物館。法蘭西為什麼從西歐最後一個廢除死刑的國家,搖身一變成為全球反對死刑的急先鋒?我們試圖在法國尋找一些蛛絲馬跡…… Champs Elysees Avenue starts with Place de la Concorde from the East, many people lost their heads at the plaza after French Revolution. The Scaffold was a killing weapon born in the era, and had been used as the only legal way of execution until 1977, four years before the French’s abolition of death penalty. Today, there is only an obelisk carved with mysterious language stands on the plaza, scaffolds are either hidden in the prisons, or stored in the museums. France was the last country which abolished the death penalty in west Europe, why she now becomes the world pioneer of anti-death penalty? We tried to get some trial clues in France…. 三、血染的聖火 The Bloodstained Torch 地球的東半邊,北京,為了迎接2008年奧運,大興土木,舉國歡騰。地球的西半邊,巴黎,也為了2008年的奧運,絞盡腦汁。全球的知名人權團體和反對死刑運動者,2007年二月在這裡會師。大家想在聖火下、槍口前,留下至少一千條的人命。中國打算怎麼回應這件事情呢? 中國的死刑資訊依舊封閉,而且國際上真正的要求:Moratorium,卻迄未獲得任何回應…… All people around China in the East cheerfully welcome the advent of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, launching large-scale construction, while Parisian also beat their brains out for it. The worldwide well-known human right groups and activists against death penalty will gather here to rescue at least 1,000 criminals under sacred fire of Olympic. How does China respond to?

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