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The Photograph
2009-01-25瑞典上映 / 94分钟

2008捷克Karlovy Vary國際電影節評審團特別獎、Ecumenical Jury Prize Special Jury Prize and the Ecumenical Jury Prize, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2008 2007釜山、雅加達國際電影節參展電影獎 Official Selection, Pusan, Jakarta International Film Fest 2007 2008 新加坡國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Singapore International Film Fest 2008 兩個寂寞的靈魂,一次心靈救贖的攝影旅程。25歲Sita為養活母親與女兒,不惜放下身段,賣妓為生,唯一次強暴逼得Sita痛定思痛,從良過活,寄居在攝影師的閤樓。然而病重的攝影師Johan,內心卻仍有隱憂與悲傷。Sita希望助他實現遺願,期待照出三張張動人照片,此時Sita才發現Johan與她的人生有密不可分的聯繫,結果這三張人生終結時的相片不僅解開兩人心鎖的結,也為獲獎無數的女導演Nan Triveni帶來一份很好的禮物,在捷克卡羅維法利電影節獲評審團特別獎。 Award-winning filmmaker Nan Triveni Achnas connects two wandering souls in her tender and touching drama THE PHOTOGRAPH. Chinese photographer Johan (Lim Kay-tong) forms an unusual connection with 25 year-old prostitute Sita (Shanty) when she rents the attic above his studio. The restless Sita seeks refuge from a brutal pimp, and money for her daughter and mother. The ailing Johan seeks an apprentice for his craft, and redemption for a terrible secret from his past. In Sita, Johan has found an unlikely successor. In Johan, Sita may have found a future.

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