猫眼电影 > 伟大工程巡礼:胡佛水坝


MegaStructures: Reinventing Hoover Dam

Throughout human history, mankind has built monuments to its ingenuity and skill. In Egypt it was the Pyramids. Rome, built the Colosseum. The Greeks built the Acropolis. The great cathedrals of Europe raised the skills of their builders to unequalled heights, creating awe inspiring structures. In the Americas, the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde and the high mountain city of Machu Pichu speak to the skill and ingenuity of their builders. In the modern era, it's buildings that reach near half a mile into the sky, bridges that stretch enormous distances in a single span, and machines that extend mankind's reach far into space. One monument that must surely be counted among the great achievements of mankind is Hoover Dam. 胡佛水坝于1935年宣告落成,是历史上最庞大的建筑之一。胡佛水坝不仅是一座雄伟壮观的水坝,如今更成为一处旅游胜地。70多年过去了,新建成的水坝不断挑战这个伟大的先驱,但胡佛水坝仍堪称史上最具标志性的大坝。

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