David Childress
Philip Coppens
Jonathan Young
饰:Himself - Founding Curator Joseph Campbell Archives
Jason Martell
Javier Grillo-Marxuach
George Noory
Erich von Däniken
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Steven M. Greer
Robert Clotworthy
饰:Self - Narrator
Linda Moulton Howe
Linda Moulton Howe
William J. Birnes
William J. Birnes
饰:Self - Author
Hugh Newman
饰:Self - Author, Earth Grids
Deepak Shimkhada
饰:Self - Professor of Hindu Studies, Claremont Lincoln University
Sabina Magliocco
Travis S. Taylor
饰:Self - Astrophysicist
John Brandenberg
饰:Self - Plasma Physicist, Orbital Technologies
Robert R. Cargill
Robert R. Cargill
饰:Self - Professor of Classics and Religious Studies, University of Iowa
Edwin Barnhart
饰:Self - Archaeologist, Director, Maya Exploration Center
Graham Hancock
饰:Self - Author, Fingerprints of the Gods
Brien Foerster
饰:Self - Author, A Brief History of the Incas
Michael Cremo
饰:Self - Author, Forbidden Archaeology
Seth Shostak
饰:Self - Senior Astronomer, SETI Institute
William J. Fulco
饰:Self - Professor of Archaeology, Loyola Marymount University
Lynn Picknett
Lynn Picknett
饰:Self - Co-Author, The Forbidden Universe
Paul Bahn
饰:Self - Archaeologist
Peter Ward
Peter Ward
饰:Self - Astrobiologist, University of Washington
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
饰:Self - Filmmaker, Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers
Mitch Horowitz
饰:Self - Author, Occult America
Jim Marrs
饰:Self - Author, Alien Agenda
Tim R. Swartz
饰:Self - Editor, Conspiracy Journal
Thomas Bullard
饰:Self - Folklorist
John DeSalvo
饰:Self - Director, Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association
Christopher Chacon
David M. Jacobs
饰:Self - Author
Lionel Fanthorpe
饰:Self - Author, Mysteries of the Bible
David Cheetham
饰:Self - Archaeologist, Arizona State University
Franklin Ruehl
饰:Self - Cryptozoologist
Robert M. Wood
饰:Self - Retired Aerospace Manager
Adrian Gilbert
饰:Self - Author, Magi: The Quest for a Secret Tradition
Christopher Busby
饰:Self - European Committee on Radiation Risk
Ronald Mallett
饰:Self - Physicist, Univ of Connecticut
Semir Sam Osmanagich
饰:Self - Prof of Anthropology, American University, Bosnia
Gray Scott
饰:Self - Futurist
Tudor Parfitt
饰:Self - Prof of Jewish Studies, Univ of London
John F. Burroughs
饰:Self - USAF (Ret)
Michael Coogan
饰:Self - Lecturer, Harvard Divinity School
Jon Lomberg
饰:Self - Design Director, Voyager Record
Travis Walton
Travis Walton
饰:Self - Author, Fire in the Sky: The Walton Experience
Kathleen Marden
饰:Self - MUFON Director of Experiencer Research
William Shatner
Ronald Hutton
饰:Self - Author, Shamans
John Hogue
Gerardo Aldana
饰:Self - Professor of Maya History, Univ of California, Santa Barbara
Gian Quasar
Kevin Warwick
饰:Self - Emeritus Professor, Reading and Coventry Universities
Jan Harzan
饰:Self - Executive Director, MUFON
John V. Quarstein
饰:Self - Author, The Civil War on the Virginia Peninsula
T.D. Barnes
饰:Self - Former Area 51 Electrical Engineer
Arlan Andrews
饰:Self - Mechanical Engineer
David Sereda
David Sereda
Rob Simone
饰:Self - Author, The Epic of Gilgamesh
Charles I. Halt
饰:Self - USAF (Ret)
Peter Diamandis
Peter Diamandis
饰:Self - Chairman and CEO, X Prize Foundation
Lewis Dartnell
饰:Self - Professor of Science Communication, University of Westminster
Chris Corbally
饰:Self - Vice Director, Vatican Observatory
Henry Ansgar Kelly
饰:Self - Author, Satan, A Biography
Timothy R. Tangherlini
饰:Self - Professor and Chair, Scandinavian Section, UCLA
Robert Feather
饰:Self - Author, The Copper Scroll Decoded
Walter Cunningham
饰:Self - NASA Astronaut, Apollo 17
Charles Mallett
饰:Self - Crop Circle Researcher
Robert Pearlman
饰:Self - Space Historian
Daniel Kottke
饰:Self - Apple Employee #12
Jonathan Berman
饰:Self - Filmmaker, Calling All Earthlings
Matthew Landrus
饰:Self - Faculty of History, University of Oxford
Akram Elias
饰:Self - Past Grand Master, The Grand Lodge of Washington, DC
Jeffrey Mishlove
饰:Self - Dean, University of Philosophical Research
Ron Kivett
Ron Kivett
饰:Himself - Investigative Reporter
Bettany Hughes
饰:Self - Author, Venus & Aphrodite
Mark Mirabello
饰:Self - Author, Handbook for Rebels and Outlaws
Linda MacDonald Glenn
饰:Self - Asst Prof of Bioethics, Albany Medical College
Richard Boylan
饰:Self - Author, Star Kids: The Emerging Cosmic Generation
Mark Koltko-Rivera
Mark Koltko-Rivera
饰:Self - Author, Freemasonary: An Introduction
James L. Green
饰:Self - Chief Scientist
Huw Lloyd
饰:Himself - Eyewitness
Zack Estrin
Zack Estrin
饰:Self - Showrunner, Lost in Space (2018)
Noah Charney
饰:Self - Author, The Thefts of the Mona Lisa
Barbara Lamb
饰:Self - Regression Hypnotherapist
Jerry Linenger
Ken Gerhard
Zahi Hawass
饰:Former Minister of Antiquities
Sr. Alfredo Figueroa
饰:Self - Author, Aztlan Origin and Ethnology
Rodrigo Fuenzalida
饰:Self - Director, Sion Chile
Stanton Friedman
饰:Self - Nuclear Physicist
K. Anna I. Nekaris
饰:Self - Professor of Anthropology
Ivan Mackerle
Nancy Talbott
饰:Self - Founding Member, BLT Research Team
Marc D. Rayman
饰:Self - Engineer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Sam Edwards
饰:Self - Hollywood Visual Effects Supervisor
Lois H. Gresh
饰:Self - Co-Author, The Science of Superheroes
Lloyd Pye
饰:Self - Founder of the Starchild Project
Ken Warwick
Ken Warwick
Spencer Stander
Spencer Stander
饰:Paranormal Expert
Christopher P. Garetano
饰:Self - Documentarian, Montauk Chronicles
John B. Alexander
饰:Self - NIDS Science Advisory Board 1995 - 2001
David W. Sedat
饰:Self - Archaeologist
Nicholas Howarth
饰:Self - Geographer, Oxford University
Jay Weidner
Chase Kloeztke
饰:Self - Former Biomechanic Engineer, US Department of Defense
Michael Shermer
Michael Shermer
饰:Self - Editor-in-Chief, Skeptic Magazine
Stan Lee
饰:Self - Spider-Man Co-Creator
Alejandro Rojas
饰:Self - Editor, Open Minds
Debbie Challis
饰:Self - Historian, Petrie Museum, London
Marc Ambinder
Marc Ambinder
Bill Homann
饰:Self - Caretaker Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull
Jeff Long
饰:Self - Near Death Experience Research Foundation
Nick Bostrom
饰:Self - Director, Future of Humanity Institute
Francisco J. Ayala
饰:Self - Prof of Evolutionary Biology, UC Irvine
Christopher Key Chapple
饰:Self - Doshi Professor, Loyola Marymount University
Eugene Thomas Erlikh
饰:Self - Eyewitness
David Wilcock
饰:Self - Author, The Synchronicity Key
Michael Dennin
饰:Self - Physicist, Univ of California, Irvine
Nick Pope
Mike Bara
Mike Bara
Robert Schoch
Robert Bauval
饰:Self - Co-Author, Black Genesis
Richard Dolan
Richard Dolan
饰:Self - Author, UFOs and the National Security State
Caroline Cory
饰:Self - Author, The Visible and Invisible Worlds
Tok Thompson
饰:Self - Professor of Anthropology, USC
Michio Kaku
饰:Self - Author, The Future of Humanity
Sara Seager
饰:Self - Prof of Planetary Sciences, MIT
Robert Mullins
饰:Self - Archaeologist
Amy Shira Teitel
饰:Self - Author, Fighting for Space
Chandra Wickramsinghe
饰:Self - Director, Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology
Buzz Aldrin
饰:Self - NASA Astronaut, Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Paul Hellyer
Paul Hellyer
饰:Self - Canadian Minister of National Defence 1963 - 1967
George Knapp
饰:Self - Chief Investigative Reporter, KLAS
Stephen Bassett
Stephen Bassett
饰:Self - Executive Director, Paradigm Research Group
Ken Storch
Ken Storch
饰:Self - Paranormal Investigator
Sean David Morton
饰:Radio Host: Strange Universe
John Van Auken
Marty Lagina
饰:Self - Oak Island Treasure Hunter
James Penniston
饰:Self - USAF (Ret)
John Podesta
饰:Self - White House Chief of Staff 1998 - 2001
Todd Disotell
饰:Self - Anthropologist, New York Univ
Alan Butler
饰:Self - Author, How to Read Prehistoric Monuments
Loren Coleman
饰:Self - Director, International Cryptozoology Museum
Whitley Strieber
饰:Self - Author, Communion
Derrel W. Sims
饰:Self - Private Investigator
Aidan Dodson
饰:Self - Egyptologist, University of Bristol
Laura Magdelene Eisenhower
David Icke
饰:Self - Autho, The Perception Deception
L.A. Marzulli
饰:Self - Author, The Alien Interviews
Robert Salas
饰:Self - Ret Missile Launch Officer, US Air Force
Standing Elk
饰:Self - Chief of Yankton Dakota Tribe
Tucker Carlson
饰:Self - Host, Tucker Carlson Tonight
Martin K.A. Morgan
Martin K.A. Morgan
Dan Didio
饰:Self - Co-Publisher, DC Comics
Craig Stanford
饰:Self - Prof of Anthropology and Biological Sciences, USC
Rick Lagina
饰:Self - Oak Island Treasure Hunter
Luis Chiappe
饰:Self - Dir, Dinosaur Institute, Los Angeles Natural History Museum
Bruce Gernon
饰:Self - Pilot
Mark Dice
饰:Self - Author, Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True
Kimokeo Kapahulehua
饰:Self - Hawaiian Cultural Advisor
Gene Kritsky
饰:Self - Co-Author, Insect Mythology
Marc Seifer
饰:Self - Author, Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla
Sue Ann Pien
饰:Self - Candidate, Mars One
Jonathan Dover
饰:Self - Navajo Nation Ranger 1980 - 2011
Igor Witkowski
饰:Self - Author, The Truth About the Wunderwaffe
David J. Skal
饰:Self - Author, V is for Vampire
Edgar D. Mitchell
饰:Apollo 14
Santiago Stelley
饰:Self - Producer, Aokigahara Forest
Jeffrey Meldrum
饰:Self - Prof, Anatomy and Anthropology, Idaho State University
Gerard Jones
饰:Self - Author, The Comic Book Heroes
Hiroshi Ishiguro
Hiroshi Ishiguro
饰:Self - Director, Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories, ATR
Robbie Graham
饰:Self - Author, Silver Screen Saucers
Azusa Hayano
饰:Environmental Researcher
Story Musgrave
饰:Self - NASA Astronaut, Space Shuttle Program
Samy Kamkar
饰:Self - Computer Hacker and Security Researcher
Jesus Gamarra
饰:Self - Anthropologist, Sacred Valley of Peru
Marvin Meyer
饰:Self - Prof of Religion, Chapman University
Steve Fuller
Steve Fuller
饰:Self - Author, Humanity 20: What it Means to be Human
Ashley Cowie
饰:Author, A Twist in Time
Jörg Schauberger
饰:Self - Grandson of Viktor Schauberger
Adrienne Mayor
饰:Self - Research Scholar, Stanford University
Judy Ho
饰:Self - Clinical & Forensic Psychologist
Marshall Trimble
饰:Self - Author, A Roadside History of Arizona
Matt McMullen
饰:Self - CEO, Realbotix
Bradley T. Lepper
饰:Self - Senior Curator of Archaeology, Ohio Historical Society
Gil Levin
饰:Self - NASA
John Lundberg
饰:Self - Crop Circle Enthusiast
Yuri Karash
饰:Self - Russian Space Policy Expert
Thomas M. Iliffe
饰:Self - Marine Biologist
Sean Martin
饰:Self - Author, The Knights Templar
David Leavitt
饰:Self - Author, The Indian Clerk
Leroy Chiao
Steve Bullock
饰:Self - Professor of American History, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Steve Edmiston
饰:Self - Filmmaker, The Maury Island Incident
Paul Levinson
饰:Self - Prof of Media Studies, Fordham Univ
饰:Self - Author, World War Z
Gregory Stock
饰:Self - Founding Director, UCLA Program on Medicine, Technology and Society
Megan Fox
Scott Schaefer
Scott Schaefer
饰:Self - Filmmaker, The Maury Island Incident
Donald A. Grinde Jr.
饰:Self - Chair and Professor of American Studies, SUNY, Buffalo
Sandra Mansi
饰:Self - Eyewitness to 'Champ'
Irving Finkel
饰:Self - Curator, The British Museum
Rosaly Lopes
饰:Self - Volcanologist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratoray
Jeff Wamsley
饰:Self - Creator, The Mothman Museum
Arthur Goldwag
饰:Self - Author, Cults, Conspiracies and Secret Societies
John Lear
饰:Self - Retired CIA Pilot
Thom Reed
饰:Self - Abduction Experiencer
Michael Schratt
饰:Self - Military Aerospace Historian
Jonathan Pendragon
饰:Self - Magician
Matt Schwartz
饰:Self - Test Subject
Guillermo de Anda
饰:Self - Prof of Underwater Archaeology, University of Yucatan
Dean Hamer
Dean Hamer
饰:Self - Author, The God Gene
Michael B.A. Oldstone
饰:Self - Author, Viruses, Plagues and History
Charles Mosley
饰:Author, Blood Royal
Dennis Hong
饰:Self - Professor & Director Romela, UCLA
Geoffrey Notkin
饰:Self - Author, Meteorite Hunting: How to Find Treasure From Space
Ian Lipkin
饰:Self - Dir, Ctr for Infection and Immunity, Columbia University
Craig Campobasso
饰:Self - Colleague of Dr Frank Stranges
Adam Gazzaley
饰:Self - Director, Neuroscience Imaging Center UCSF
Randy S. Wymore
饰:Self - OSU-CHS Ctr for the Investigation of Morgellons Disease
Julie Shuster
饰:Self - Executive Director International UFO Museum
Ted Peters
饰:Self - Prof of Theology, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Daniel Coonan
Daniel Coonan
Kevin Burns
饰:Self - Executive Producer, Ancient Aliens