猫眼电影 > The Man Who Cracked the Nazi Code
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The Man Who Cracked the Nazi Code

纪录片 / 传记 / 历史 / 战争
2015-09-28芬兰上映 / 52分钟

二次大戰是人類史上規模最大的戰爭,卻因為一名無名英雄,得以提早結束。電腦發明的緣起,竟然也與他有關--當年因從事情報工作,必須隱姓埋名的艾倫圖靈,因為好萊塢電影「模仿遊戲」而重新為世人認識;本片則深刻勾勒他如何和德國鬥智,破解德國引以為傲的密碼機「恩尼格瑪Enigma」。 Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician and forgotten hero of the Second World War, played a huge part in the Allied victory by breaking the Germans' codes… before persecution related to his homosexuality drove him to suicide. It’s fairly uncommon for a scientist to have such an influence on the course of history – and then pay such a heavy price for his success! This film also offers an opportunity to discover a little-known aspect of World War II.

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