猫眼电影 > 安德烈的眼睛


André's Eyes
纪录片 / 家庭 / 儿童
2015-05-01葡萄牙上映 / 73分钟

Experimental documentary, divergent family memories and real drama converge as household members in a small town in Portugal reenact traumatic events in their actual lives for the camera. The core of the story is the break-up of the family after the youngest son is moved into foster care in a paternity suit. Storied filmmaker and documentarian António Borges Correia works with the family to create a powerful film that offers hope and understanding for all of us. 布烈遜不來溫情戲,波格斯哥利亞膽粗粗請纓上,冷面演繹純陽家庭別具風味的破鏡重圓記。木匠單親父獨力撫養四子,大仔失聰,三仔俏皮,最有性格是二仔安德,公認球場小C 朗。還有老么,離婚時老婆聲稱爸爸不是他,據法例判給另一家庭。安德憤憤不平,試過潛行搶弟,紅牌出場又如何,兄弟一個都不能少。波格斯哥利亞高攀大師扭轉情調的殺手鐧,就是安德是安德,老豆是老豆,一家人演回一家人,血脈早相連,驚艷的低調風貌。獲里斯本獨立電影節最佳葡萄牙影片獎。

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