猫眼电影 > 飓风追击


惊悚 / 动作
2004-09-01科威特上映 / 98分钟

As far as these "straight to video" action movies go, I've seen far worse. The production values were OK, and there were a few good chase scenes. Several things let this movie down though, most important being a plot that was silly at times, including such ridiculous events as people crowding onto a boat to sail off an island minutes before a hurricane is due to arrive, and bad guys who are comically inept at aiming guns at the good guys. The acting is pretty bad, with Robert Englund and Gregg Henry both hamming it up. Casper Van Dien's acting is the same as always- wooden and goofy but somehow almost vaguely likeable. Ray Wise is wasted in a supporting role with terrible lines. Libby Hudson is forgettable in a forgettable part. The bad guy's henchmen are all straight from central casting's low-budget division. But... some parts of the story were not too bad, and some of the chase scenes were quite good. As I said, I've seen far worse. Five out of Ten.

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