猫眼电影 > 凯萨拉



Vera Cruz Studios出品的另一部巴西早期电影经典,Vera Cruz是50年代巴西最著名的电影制片公司。 影片获1951年第六届法国嘎纳国际电影节金奖提名。 A beautiful woman with a tragic past marries the owner of a small shipyard in an island, and they set up residence in a poor village. Besides not being able to adapt to the place, the partner of her husband becomes hostile to her presence. Marina (Eliana Lage) is a beautiful and perfect young woman, daughter of leprous parents, living in an institution. She sees the chance to leave the place when the owner of a small shipyard in an island proposes to marry her. She accepts, marries him without love and moves to the small sea coastal village, where the gossiper dwellers make comments about her. The disgusting partner of her scum husband tries to rape Marina when her husband is traveling. Later, her husband dies in a boat accident, and a young and handsome sailor arrives in the island. Marina feels a great attraction for him, but is blackmailed by the former partner of her husband about the health problems in her family and her origins. "Caicara" is a melodramatic and romantic story that begins very similar to "Stromboli", of the same year. The situation of a young beautiful woman that uses marriage to have a chance of a new life and moves to an island is identical in both movies. The copy available in MAM (Modern Art Museum of Rio de Janeiro) presented serious problem in the sound, and many dialogs were impossible to be understood in the projection. Anyway, "Caicara" is a good movie not available on VHS or DVD.


影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900