猫眼电影 > 摩苏尔980


Mosul 980
短片 / 战争
2019-02-09伊朗 上映 / 10分钟

一名年轻女子伪装成一名伊西斯战士,从汽车后备箱中出现。她是2014年伊斯兰国家从摩苏尔绑架的3000名雅兹迪妇女中的一名,被作为性奴隶贩卖。现在她在逃亡,试图在废墟和尸体之间找到自己的路。主要的敌对行动似乎已经结束,但形势仍然危险。一声枪响,伴随着爆炸声和无线电指令,她的迫害者仍然紧跟着她。Disguised as an ISIS fighter, a young woman emerges from the trunk of a car. She is one of 3000 Yazidi women kidnapped from Mosul by the Islamic State in 2014 and sold as sex slaves. Now she is on the run, trying to find her way between ruins and corpses. Major hostilities seem to be over, but the situation remains dangerous. Single shots can be heard, along with detonations and radioed instructions – her persecutors are still on her heels.

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