猫眼电影 > 改建之年


Years of Construction
2019-02-11德国上映 / 93分钟

电影以水声开始。莱茵河另一边的一个建筑工地:曼海姆发电厂9号楼。开幕式计划于2013年举行。 2013年至2018年期间,部分Kunsthalle Mannheim项目的拆除和重建工作结束后,经过多年的建设。从弗里德里希广场对面的喷泉开始,埃米霍兹的相机靠近建筑群。从宏伟的Jugendstil大厦到1983年由Hans Mitzlaff扩建的一条通道;它建造的雕塑似乎试图在一个不够大的空间中找到自己的位置。这座建筑不适合绘画:它根据自己的喜好投射光和影。在中间,埃米霍兹展示了以直角交叉的街道、桥梁和天桥,曼海姆市。参考建筑师格坎,马格和合作伙伴的愿景:在拆除和建设阶段之后,一个由立方体,通道和梯田组成的综合体出现并形成一个内部。一块石头和一个钟在空中摆动:“瞬间的移动空虚”是装置的名字。金属网牢牢地抓住了新的Kunshalle——从外面看是一个强大的立方体。 The film begins with the sound of water. A building site on the other side of the Rhine: Block 9 of Mannheim Power Station. The opening was planned for 2013. Years of Construction follows the demolition and reconstruction of part of the Kunsthalle Mannheim between 2013 and 2018. Starting from the fountains in the Friedrichsplatz opposite, Emigholz’s camera approaches the building complex. A passage leads from the imposing Jugendstil edifice to the 1983 extension by Hans Mitzlaff; the sculptures it was built for seem to be trying to find their place in a space not big enough for them. The architecture isn’t suitable for paintings: it casts light and shadow according to its own whims. In between, Emigholz shows streets that cross at right angles, bridges and overpasses, the city of Mannheim. References to the vision of architects Gerkan, Marg and Partners: after the demolition and construction phase, a complex of cubes, passages and terraces appears and forms an interior. A stone and a clock swing through the air: “The Moving Emptiness of the Moment” is the name of the installation. Metal meshing holds the new Kunsthalle – a mighty cube when seen from the outside – firmly in its grip.

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