猫眼电影 > 无处逃离


Nowhere to escape
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不痛不痒的季节,无人心系冷暖,也许,世间一如往常! 少女,赶集归途,疲惫,小憩,倦而入梦! 憩毕,继续赶路,途经一片森林,不远处,有一披发妇似乎在观察什么,好奇,三思后,少女凑个热闹,不曾想,中邪了,仓皇逃之。 披发妇对少女穷追不舍,最终命如蝉翼,披发妇张牙舞爪做法,少女中招 原来,一切皆是梦境,幸之幸之,少女四下观之,四下无人,只见夜幕即将蔓延,心静后,继续赶路。 世界上最恐怖之事,莫过于孤独,但是,人,生而孤独,未来如何,过去如何,一切皆实,一切皆虚, In this indifferent season, no one cares about the weather. Maybe, the world is Communist d'habitude. Maiden is on her way back from the fair. Tired, she takes a nap, the dream finally falling upon her. She continues her way while passing through a forest. Not far away, a crone with long hair is watching something. Out of curiosity, maiden wants to find out what is happening after contemplation. Unexpectedly, she gets possessed and runs away. The crone is in hot pursuit of maiden, whose life is on the edge. She is hit after the crone casts the spell with threatening gestures. Fortunately, it is all dream. Making sure that no one is nearby, maiden calms down to keep moving before the night spreads the sky. There is nothing more horrible than being lonely in this world. However, people are born to be lonely. Either in the future or in the past, nothing is true, and everything is real.

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