影片聚焦一对六十多岁的老夫妻朱蒂塔和艾瑞克的凄凉晚景,茱迪塔 下肢瘫痪、全身也逐渐僵硬,但为了最后一丝尊严,她拒绝看护入住、也不 肯去护理院,女儿远在异地,艾瑞克只能承担起照料妻子日常起居的责任, 两人在琐碎的冲突中逐渐失去了伪装和粉饰太平的力气,艾瑞克逐渐开始逃 避回家、不想见到妻子,而朱蒂塔也尝试放弃尊严、只为让丈夫可以不被自己束缚……Erik, recently retired, is looking forward to some post-work adventureand to enjoy his family. These plans are thrown into doubt as the harsh reality ofhis wife Juditha’s accelerating illness causes his own health to deteriorate. Juditharefuses to accept any outside help as Erik buckles under the pressure. QUIETFREEDOM explores a long-married couple’s difficult choices and the need torediscover the foundation of their marriage to find each other again. Juditha andErik in their 60s are facing the wife’s illness, the shame and disappointmentrelated to it, as well as expectations and ever-changing hopes. A couple will needto rediscover the foundation of their marriage to find each other again.
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