Alpha Scorpio was a short-lived Australian children's science fiction television series, written and produced by James Davern, and which aired on ABC Television in 1974. It starred Peter Hepworth and Kevin Wilson as two university students who begin to witness strange events while camping at Aireys Inlet in Victoria. The two soon discover that their friend Mirny (Kurt Ludescher) is a member of a group of aliens who have recently landed from the 5th planet of Antares. The series lasted only six episodes. Alpha Scorpio 30 min. Childrens science-fiction. 6 episodes. Cast: Terry Gill, Nevil Thurgood, Peter Hepworth, Alexandra Hynes, Kevin Wilson, Kurt Ludescher. Produced by: ABC.
影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900