猫眼电影 > Tutto in un giorno
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Tutto in un giorno

电视剧 / 记录片
2001-07-26意大利开播 / 52分钟

Four stories, with their direct, very different perception of the same event (the G8 Meeting in Genova, Italy). A policemen, an anti-glob leader, a priest and a shop owner. 4aDay is the diary of a day through the actions of four real characters. The format's concept is to bring together four points of view, as diverse as possible, within a context of a specific event, limited to a a 24-hour period. The four different characters are followed by a camera continuously from dawn to dusk. Their actions become our script. The aim is to fuse four different stories, thereby constructing a singular narrative. With the TV screen split in four, the characters' stories unfold simultaneously. When one individual's prospective emerges as more riveting, his story takes over, filling the entire screen temporarily, and then it returns to its original small quarter screen, "passing the scene" to another protagonist.

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