Colman 'Tiger' King
Colman 'Tiger' King
饰:A Man of Aran
Maggie Dirrane
Maggie Dirrane
饰:His Wife
Michael Dirrane
Michael Dirrane
饰:Their Son
Pat Mullin
Pat Mullin
饰:Shark Hunter
Patch 'Red Beard' Ruadh
Patch 'Red Beard' Ruadh
饰:Shark Hunter
Patcheen Faherty
Patcheen Faherty
饰:Shark Hunter
Tommy O'Rourke
Tommy O'Rourke
饰:Shark Hunter
'Big Patcheen' Conneely of the W
'Big Patcheen' Conneely of the W
Stephen Dirrane
Stephen Dirrane
Pat McDonough
Pat McDonough