岱罗‧安卡,Darryl Anka has had 1 feature film script produced by Nu Image Entertainment and two scripts optioned, one by AMI Productions and the other by the Mutual Film Company.Darryl has been a Nicholl Fellowships semi-finalist and has had two scripts in the top ten finalist list of the StoryPros screenwriting contest, with one of the scripts, a sci-fi comedy called "Alienated" going on to win second place.Darryl shot his first film as a writer-producer-director, called "Dearly Departed", which is a fictional documentary based on Near-Death Experience reports that was shot as though the crew took the camera into the afterlife and interviewed spirits of people who've passed on to get their take on life after death.Dearly Departed was completed in 2012 , has been accepted into the Action On Film International Film Festival in Monrovia, California and has been nominated in the festival awards program for Best Faith-Based Feature and Best Visual Effects. It is now being distributed internationally on DVD and download via Gaiam TV and FastSpring.Darryl's second film, a documentary called "First Contact," is now in post production as of late 2015 and tells the true story of a UFO encounter that led to the channeling of an extraterrestrial entity.Darryl is also a public speaker on various metaphysical subjects, has given international seminars for the past 30 years and has had more than 15 books published in the U.S. and Japan.