梁为超,独立纪录片制片商Peak & Galaxy Communications的创立人,以制片人的身份帮助中国的优秀独立导演与国际市场对接。2010年,他与范俭导演合作的关于汶川地震再孕母亲的纪录片《活着》(The Next Life)获得NHK电视台和半岛电视台合拍资金,他还帮助刘硕、费佑明导演在新加坡新传媒(Mediacorp)和日本NHK联合举办的"亚洲预售"(Asian Pitch)中胜出,而他与单佐龙导演合作的项目《陌上桑》(Song of the Mulberries)获选EDN和Documentary Campus联合举办的2010年"跨界探险"(Crossing Borders)计划和2011年柏林电影节Doc Station项目。 Richard Liang – Producer Richard Liang is the founder of Peak & Galaxy Communications which specializes in independent documentary films production. Liang has dedicated his career to the internationalization of Chinese documentary films. The Next Life, a doc film produced by Liang and directed by Fan Jian, secured co-production funds from NHK & AJE. Liang also played a key role in the successful pitching of films by Directors Liu Shuo and Fei Youming during the Asian Pitch co-sponsored by Mediacorp (Singapore) and NHK (Japan). Song of the Mulberries, a film he collaborates with Director Shan Zuolong, has been selected by the "Crossing Borders" plan funded by EDN and Documentary Campus, as well as the Doc Station project of the Berlin Film Festival.