德拉蒙德·麦克杜格尔,With a Cape Breton Dad (Graham 'Bud' Macdougall) and a Halifax, Nova Scotia Mom (Phyllis Stairs) Drummond Stairs Macdougall is proud to be a 7th generation Maritime Canadian. A born actor, Drummond had a blast in plays all through school and studied acting at Queen's University receiving a Film Acting Minor along with an Honours Business degree. The latter led him to enjoy a successful first career in Investment Banking. After surviving cancer in 2004 he reconnected with his passion for acting and has since studied with many acclaimed coaches and mentors, including continued work with New York's renowned Tom Todoroff Studio, LA's Larry Moss, and Vancouver's Ben Ratner, Andrew McIlroy, Jeb Beach, and Matthew Harrison. He lives with his beautiful wife, an Animal Communication Specialist, and has two awesome sons with two new adorable grand-baby girls.Drummond's low-key humour and reliable, hardworking nature have helped him emerge as a solid, talented and professional actor who adds value to every production. Having recently finished his 41st film and television production and 34th commercial project, Drummond has built a broad base of acting experience, as well as enjoying many dramatic and musical stage roles.Drummond's tremendous "been there-done that" depth of life experience allows him to play the "suffer no fools" loving dad you just don't want to screw with when he's protecting his family (Chris Cooper in American Beauty), or the burnt-out but relentless lawyer who's still quick with the joke. He is the military General, the senior FBI operative, Head Detective or Coroner, and is great as the tough but loving Coach (Million Dollar Baby)As a former high-level investment banker, put Drummond in a suit and he's the ruthless business tycoon ... dressed down, he commands that Sam Shepard/Nicholas Campbell rugged cowboy/blue-collar charm. Drummond's sense of humour underlies it all - a guy who can have a good laugh at himself and the world - and this brings humanity